Sheli Gupta, Tue Oct 09, 2018

Terms to Know in the Collaborative Flow

Terms to Know in the Collaborative Flow

Collaborating a trip plan using Relovate is straightforward, easy.  For maximum ease of use, you may find being familiar with these terms useful. If you develop any of your own, please feel free to send us the term, and a quick definition to contact@relovate.com. If we love it, we'll update this post with yours.

First Collaborator

The first person to start a plan and invite collaboration. This person has mad power, he or she is the only one who can DELETE the trip. Similar terms you may use: Trip Author, Trip Originator, Tripper the Almighty


People invited to your Relovate trip plan via email. Once they accept the invitation, they are "Collaborators," in the best sense of the word.


People who have accepted an invitation to the trip. These people also have mad power, they can add, suggest, edit, and change the trip. Chatting is also enabled.

Trip Chat

A private, chat channel, automatically turned on when collaboration is started. When on, it displays a channel for all trip discussions. All collaborators can see all chatting, all the time. Better yet, every conversation is stored as part of the trip. This way you know who to praise.


The Relovate equivalent of a "like" or "save". In a collaboration, any "consider" can be viewed by all invited parties. When hotels and flights are considered, these prices are tracked over time.

Consider Button

This is the button that says "Consider". It appears everywhere in Relovate, including room levels in hotels. It changes color when selected.

Notify Message

A message which displays in the lower right corner of the screen whenever a Relovate collaborating party considered an item.  It will say, "Tory has added Dino's bar & Grill" to this trip". It confirms an item has been added to the Trip Planner. It hovers briefly, then disappears.

Trip Planner

Centralizes every choice made by all parties. It automatically organizes things by location, and precisely. For example, you add a hotel in New York City, well that’s a big place. Relovate recognizes that the hotel you considered is really in Hell's Kitchen, a neighborhood in Manhattan, one of several boroughs in New York City.

Time Zone Zappering

A fully made-up term, describing what happens when everyone invited to a Relovate trip collaboration can contribute at any time, off-line, on-line, or what's my line. Time Zones are thusly, "zapped". Take that Einstein!

Send Us Your Terms

If you develop any of your own, please feel free to send us the term, and a quick definition to contact@relovate.com.  If we love it, we'll update this post with yours.